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Okay, I’m back. Pulling 50 yards for a donation to MCC did take a bit longer than 3 hours, but then I’m also enjoying a visit with my son who is here from Bangkok, so other stuff sometimes gets pushed to the side temporarily.

The yardage count is at 48, with 2 more yards getting a spin through the washer and dryer before donation. Can you believe there was dust on a piece of my fabric? *grin* Photos tomorrow when the light’s better and the pieces are all in one place.

I took a break at about 2:30 pm with 23 yards selected. And then switched to pulling yardage from another room. As I mentioned in the PR thread, it didn’t clear up much space as these fabrics were mostly poplin and muslin weight wovens.

But I’m inordinately proud of myself. These are all fabrics that I still could use, that I still mostly like and are high quality. But the likelihood of them being sewn up in the next few years is slim.

I’m trying to figure out why it was easier for me to release these fabrics now than earlier. What works for you? Have you thought about it?

I’ve been reading this discussion at Pattern Review. Now it’s obviously not the first time this subject has come up, but for some reason it moved me to action today.

Here’s what I posted, in case you haven’t gone over to read that recent stash thread:

Okay, you all have inspired me!

The women at my church are collecting fabrics that are 2 yds or more to be used by women in MCC* projects internationally.

I’m posting this to make myself accountable for getting some of my stash moved out of this house by this weekend, which means I have to do it today or tomorrow–the rest of the days are already committed to family stuff. My goal is 50 yards, but I’ll settle for 30. I’ve been saying I’d do so for the entire month of October, but have I done anything???

Here’s the specs just to remind myself…

Bolts of new cloth are frequently requested where fabric is expensive or hard to obtain. These bolts are often used to sew clothing for children. Recipients can also use full pieces of at least 1.8m / 2 yards long for quilt and comforter pieces.

Fabric specifications
* Suggested fabrics include twill, cotton, cotton blends, wool and corduroy.
* Print, plaid or solid are all acceptable.
* Please no 100% polyester.”

*Mennonite Central Committee

Okay, it’s almost noon here….I’m off the computer and going ‘in’… I may need backup help if I don’t emerge in a few hours…say by 3pm???

Anyhow, I worked on the main floor of my house and so far have collected 21 yards. I stopped for lunch, but am now heading back in….


November 2009
In honor of my late father-in-law