You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2008.

After picking out the clothing I’ll wear today I did a double take! The Take It Further Challenge has affected me at deeper levels than I expected. Never before have I worn these particular items together…

Dark olive pants (sewn in Dec 2007 from Kwik Sew 3393 3393aand Siltex 100% cotton fleece.) A light yellow green Tshirt. Soft greyed-purple knit top.

I’ve been sort of a renegade, I think, with my sewing/wardrobe type responses to the TIF challenge. At this point I think my goal with TIF is to use it to expand the way I view my textile work and it’s definitely doing that.

Late last night it occurred to me that I already have a garment with the January TIF colors.

The colors in these vest photos aren’t too accurate, but you can get the overall idea.

Pavelka vest

The vest is from an out of print (OOP) Pavelka vest pattern, but this current pattern is similar, although a lot shorter in length:
Pavelka’s Scrapbook Vest

In fact I need another coordinating garment to go with this vest as the linen/cotton blend 4 gore flared skirt I originally made has faded more than the vest. Yes, I probably have washed the linen/cotton blend skirt more often than the vest…

So now I have to decide whether I’ll be creating something ‘new’ with these colors or whether I’ll do a wardrobe ‘fix’ based on these colors. Since I’m rather twisting Sharon’s original premise already by responding with sewing/wardrobe work, I guess I can make up my own rules for this part also…

I cut out and sewed my dark brown Siltex fleece pants from the Burda pattern. I’ll be doing some seam finishing work on them and subjecting them to a few trips through the washer/dryer before I hem them, but I’m pleased with the fit overall.

I used the matching interlock to make the waistband, which I won’t bother to do the next time I sew this pattern; I’ll just cut on a foldover waistband.

Next up, I think:

  • Beige fleece knit pants
  • Dark brown interlock top
  • Peach Powerdry camisoles

Nicegirl, the The SlapDashSewist said this at Fabric Fast 2008

It doesn’t have to end up as the Be All End All Piece that Completes Your Wardrobe and Brings the Universe Into Harmony. No matter what, you’ll get more use out of it made up than in stash.

I need that reminder…

In her List of 2008 UFOs and WISPs sharonb mentions that

I do have some other sewing tasks. Last month I cut out some shirts that I need for work…I have 3 cut out waiting to be made up. I also have a denim jacket half made. I won’t be blogging this sort of stuff as I think people will find it boring. I can’t believe that anyone would find this at all of interest….

Well, Sharon, I for one would love to see your sewing projects. But I totally understand if you don’t have time to do so.

Here’s the OOP pattern Sharon’s using:

Now if I could just see better photos/descriptions of her fabrics….

popoagiesmiles of has proposed a Fabric ‘Fast’ for 2008.

I do believe in stashing fabric, especially since it’s so hard to find high quality sewing supplies and even harder to justify the buying trips when you live many miles from fabric stores.

However I now have enough high quality stash to get started sewing for myself and I also have a great need for clothing to replace the items in my wardrobe that have just plain worn out (not good enough to sell or donate.)

I have joined the ‘fast’ (each person has her/his own terms for doing so) and will try to record my progress here and in the fasting thread.

sharonb’s Take It Further Challenge for January 2008 is up and includes two options, either or both of which can be included in our responses.

The first is an idea:

The key concept for January is a feeling we have all had, the feeling of admiration for another. Ask yourself who do you look up to and admire? Why? What is it you admire about them? …Take the idea, develop it into a resolved design during that month and apply it to fiber or paper.

The second is a color palette:

I have some fabric that includes those colors! In fact, it was one that was included in my first ideas for a SWAP wardrobe, but practicality won out over silks and light colored linens and I’ll be sewing the cottons, warm fleeces and other items that I need in my wardrobe right now for my first foray into Sewing With A Plan.

Maybe a late spring/summer 2008 SWAP is what I need. With clothing that will work for Sundays and for summer weddings, etc. Hmmm. I’ll need to designate a new title for separating the topics here on this blog… Maybe SWAP – Summer 2008

Timmel Fabrics is sponsoring SWAP 2008, Sew With A Plan. My wardrobe would definitely benefit from a plan….The challenge begins Jan 1 and runs through April 11. We were allowed to cut in advance and also test patterns in advance.

My fabric choices center around brown and taupe/tan cottons. I have two prints that would work – a small peachy plaid cotton and a paisley printed cotton interlock.

I’m considering ways to combine this project with sharonb’s Take It Further Challenge.


January 2008
In honor of my late father-in-law